maanantai 29. heinäkuuta 2024

My books

 29th of July 2024   Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewarding books to read, see which ought to lead to 

tiistai 22. maaliskuuta 2016

Comparing nature to human chaos in wisdom of life

The nature in different countries of the world is widely different and somehow dependent or born from the same kind of characteristics in the environment as human culture in that area. So my views are born from the Finnish nature and from life in Finland. But these questions are something that typically only foreigners ponder about and Finns seem to have the answers to them already.
So what if the insects eat other insects and birds eat insects and otherwise sit singing on a branch. Is that like cannibals or some medieval military chaos? I think not. Humans doing such things typically aren't thought of as doing them wisely, with relief to all. But animal seem to bring relief to others, kind of more natural, better, more harmonical, more relaxing, wiser way of doing things without tough realism. Humans always seem to be choosing between too naive, too malicious, too retreating, too thoughtless, too unwise, too rigid, too artificial, too sloppy, too unskilled, too stiff, etc. Animals seem to have found the right balance: well motivated things with common sense and skill, with feelings and a picture of the world, with social feelings too, with wisdom of life, with greater mission, with enthusiastic freetime, etc.
If a human is hungry, an adult human, and want to eat a alot, is that like a young worm eating some other insect? I think not. The human has had time to learn other skills, he is on purpose negligient and cynically thoughless about others, shortsighted compared to what he could be and without wisdom of life,t oo proud. The worm is very young and very hungry since it is growing and just learning about life. It is not hunting, it is stumbling to things, eating others like an accident, like aasociating with a too young fellow can sometimes cause minor harm, or even greater. Youth is a part of life, negligient adults are something to avoid.

torstai 25. kesäkuuta 2015

Learning from animals

Wild animals and to some extend also pets have a skill of living a natural kind of life according to feelings. In it the different parts of life like planning and action work together effortlessly, with spontaneity too.
When a human meets an animal, the animal typically teaches by it's example or birds by singing the human being what a psontaneous life according to feelings is like for that human being. S they urge by their example the human being to do what is spontaneously in his/her mind at that moment. That is why many people think that animals seem concentrated to food isssues. Likewise many think that bird song encourages one to look at the beauty of nature. In the new year birds may sing pong pox pou fun to shoot rockets. Likewise they often encourage a person to do with fun the chores he/she is right then motivated to. So in a way we do not get a picture of what the animals are like but of what we ourselves are like from the side of spontaneous feelings. So it is often with friends too.

sunnuntai 3. toukokuuta 2015

Nature in different countries

Valuing the nature offers a way to overcome healthily local culture's shortcomings like too tough working life, studies and school. Where the individual gets squeezed too much, predators show the way to healthy self defence, for more room for oneself, whether it is nonviolently or in a some kind of fight. On the other hand, where the culture allows lots of freedom, like in Finland, there aren't so many big predators in the nature, more like tiny singing birds emhasized in view of the nature.

Dogs are closer to the nature than most apes which rae more human like.
Some cultures which live mostly in cities, seem to watch animals too from a human perspective. There respect for the big predators often does the task of valuing the nature in bringing healthy influence of superior animal skill to human lives.
It would be important to have at least some contact with the nature: more parks, more green bushes and undergrowth left, more places planned (in the Finnish way) for walking among the trees: not too thick woods but part of the trees and bushes cut down so as to allow beatiful paths everywhere among the trees, bushes and undergrowth. It makes nature closer and more valued, the beauty kind of replacing the big predator as a mass of nature influence.

maanantai 27. tammikuuta 2014

Who is it that gets eaten

In nature it is typically the clumsy ones without much skill or fine character who get eaten away. It is the ones with stupid thoughts and not much wisdom of life. Itis the ones who do not live in the moment but think, doze or are with dizzy attention. It is the ones without much social wisdom.
The nature teaches tactics, the beauty of nature does this. The nature is a multitude of shapes with enermous variation from slight tones and small differencies to entirely different kinds of plants and animals.
So the nature teaches a sense of structures which is good for thinking and social skills. One needs to learn to see more structures at a time, understand them, not to miss anything and not to misinterprete anything, observe them also with the sense of atmospheres and turn that into social wisdom.
Trees in a not so tense forest teach one social skills> I live like this and so do the others and like this forest view, we form a natural harmony, each one living one's own life and the distance to others giving room to full life in harmony with others.
The animal who sees deeper, can predict the behaviour of others - either escaping if one is prey oneself, or catching prey if one is a predator.
Much of the stupidity of animals comes from the same source as the stupidity of humans: watching the simplicity of straight lines and boxes instead of the complexity of the nature views.
The more simple is more clumsy and so end up in a social fight more often. The wise is often good natured and llent in survival skills.

In which way do you live

Life in the wild nature has it's hardships of predators and climate, and it\s beauty of healthy harmony and wisdom of life with superb intelligence and skill.
Watching Tv nature documentaries one first observes both the beauty of nature and the dangers of getting eaten and the emphazis on having offspring. Of human life one knows that it is not the years that count when you measure your own life, but the way you managed to live those years. Sometimes we get stuck to not at all wise habits and miss our years which should have been lived with a full heart. Sometimes we come into life, for a moment or so we live fully. In the nature there is always a predator lurking somewhere. One cannot stay alive and lose all one's time in nasty habits. Instead one has to live each moment fully. Such is an important part of the wisdom of nature.
In nature those with poor habits and not enough skill get easily eaten away. While those with lots of skill in the art of living flourish and get lots of offspring.
In life it matters what you do and how you do it. So the wisdom of nature matters a lot. When we humans look for better ways to do things, there is the example of wild nature to copy from. One cannot copy from it pretending to be like the animals, for example a predator. Instead one can copy on a very general level and by being social via gesture language, not to copy the things done but the way of doing, not to copy the style of doing but the level of wisdom and skill.